OHS Act and Regulations

H4 – OHS Act and Regulations – 1 Day

Although health and safety in the workplace is the responsibility of the employer and all employees in order for the SHE management system to function effectively, the Chief Executive Officer has certain duties. He must create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace. The law is reasonable, but it does expect the employer to make the best effort to create a safe and healthy workplace. 

This program provides learners with a basic understanding of the OHS Act and Regulations as well as how to interpret health and safety legislation.

The qualifying learner is capable of

This program is aimed at managers and takes them through the responsibilities of the employer. Learners will be able to explain the full impact of the duties of employers in terms of Section 8 of the OHS Act. The focus is also on the actions which should be taken to comply with the requirements of Section 8 of the OHS Act. Learners will understand how to:


  1. Identify hazards and risks in the workplace, take steps to prevent employees form being exposed to risks. (Eliminating or controlling)
  2. Provide and maintain safe systems of work
  3. Remove or reduce hazards before resorting to personal protective clothing
  4. Provide personal protective equipment free of charge to employees
  5. Provide information, instruction, training and competent supervision for employees. Employees understand, implement, and work according to all safety rules
  6. Make sure that all employees comply with the OHS Act
  7. Stop employees who work unsafe
  8. Enforce health and safety rules
  9. Only allow trained employees to work on machinery
  10. Ensure that all work is supervised by a competent authorized supervisor. Each area of the workplace must have a supervisor. Such a supervisor must have adequate knowledge and experience of the processes and safety rules in that department